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When it comes to choosing a fitness trainer, there will always be many options available.  However, what sets our training team apart from many others, is our willingness to meet each client where they’re at. We’ve developed a thorough questionaire that allows our team to make best decision based on the clients needs, mental wellbeing, injuries,age, level of activity, and history with nutrition and fitness. choosing. We go beyond just a personal training session and taking your money-This is an INVESTMENT and hiring a great coach that you share a personal connection with is extremely important in your overall success. Below are 3 reasons to choose our training team to help you achieve your goals:

strength training

We offer flexible scheduling options to fit your busy lifestyle’s and will provide great communication throughout our time

nutritional plans

Our trainers are certified and experienced professionals who will create a personalized workout plan tailored to your specific goals- also frequent goal setting sessions, each month.

bikini competition prep coaching

Our clients have seen significant results, and have provided positive feedback with their experience with us. We continue to investing in furthering our own education to grow even more to serve our clientele..

Train with the Rize App

Your fitness goals are personal and always evolving, so Sweat puts the choice in your hands!

online coaching

Client Transformations:

“As a mother of three,a wife and FT career-I was eager to regain a body I could embrace instead of feeling repulsed every time I saw myself in the mirror. Becoming part of the Rize team not only altered my how I viewed my physical appearance but, also her coaching contributed to a positive shift in my mental/emotional well-being. I learned that perfection isn't the goal; rather, it's about striving for consistency. This strategy has shifted me from a place of discover to a newfound confidence! I truly appreciate her guidance over the last 2 years & don’t think I’ll lever leave 😂 her knowledge and help is invaluable to me.”



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